Update: 2/11/25
We have been monitoring the radar closely for the incoming storm. After speaking to the National Weather Service, we feel that it would be our safest option to release early today and get our students home safely before the bulk of the storm hits. Right now our plan is to release at 1:00 (2 hours early). If we need to move up that timeline, we will issue another update.
All after school programs and ball games will also be cancelled today.

Good Evening, Tucker County Families. This is a reminder to families who would like to Pre-Register their child for Preschool for the 2025-2026 School Year, please make sure to call the board office by Monday, February 3rd, 2025, to place your child on the list and receive an Application/Registration Packet. Have a great weekend!!

All Tucker County Schools will be dismissing 2-hours early due to rising water.

Any students who are on the after school trip today, the bus is running about 20 mins late in their anticipated arrival time back to Tucker Valley.

Bus number 18 a will start his run today at Bob Cooper's due to a tractor-trailer being stuck on slip hill. If your child cannot be picked up due to the tractor trailer blockage please contact the school so that the absence doesn't count against them.

Tucker County schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow 1/23/25.

Due to the extremely cold temperatures anticipated tomorrow all Tucker County Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday January 22nd.
This will be a day that will be made up later in the year.

Due to the extremely cold temperatures anticipated tomorrow all Tucker County Schools will be CLOSED on Tuesday January 21st.
This will be a day that will be made up later in the year.

Today, January 17th, will be now be an NTID day (Polar Day).
Staff is to report on a 2 hour delay schedule and students are to complete Polar Packet #5. This is our last snow day that doesn’t have to be made up. Any future snow days will have to be made up at the end of the school year.

All Tucker County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow (1/17).

All Tucker County schools will be closed tomorrow. Staff is to report at normal time for their PL day.

🚌 ❄️
A few years ago our BOE voted to establish “snow routes” for the severe winters in which our main roads are passable, but our secondary routes are not safe enough for buses. We have never had to use them, but the way this winter is starting off, it is a strong possibility. Please check out our website or FB page for more details.
Thank you for your support as we work to find alternatives to battle this winter weather we are having! ❄️ 🚌

All Tucker County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow (1/15) due to negative windchill temperatures in the early morning hours.

In an effort to combat our winter weather/snow day allotment we have been granted permission to turn our regularly scheduled PL day on Friday into an instructional day for students. This will give us an additional snow day (if we need it) and staff will report on the next snow day for their PL day. Again, students will now be reporting for an instructional day on Friday 1/17/25. Monday (1/20) is still a day off as it is an observed holiday.

All Tucker County Schools will operate (hopefully) on a 2 hour delay tomorrow 1/14/25 due to projected negative windchill temperatures of -20. We are hopeful that the delay will give time for the temperatures to increase enough to get us into school.

Due to ice in our higher elevations making it unsafe for buses to travel, all Tucker County Schools will be closed today. Students do not need to complete a polar packet.

Looks like we are finally headed back to school! All Tucker County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow 1/13/25.

All Tucker County Schools will operate on a NTID day (Polar day) tomorrow (1/10). Staff reports on a 2 hour delay schedule and students complete Polar Packet #4.

All Tucker County Schools will operate on an NTID day (Polar day) tomorrow (1/9). Staff reports on a 2 hour delay schedule and students complete Polar Packet #3.

All Tucker County Schools will operate on an NTID day (Polar day) tomorrow. Staff reports on a 2 hour delay schedule and students complete Polar Packet #2.